We know you were just as excited as we were when the second surprise video drop happened on August 23 and we got our first look at ‘The Sky Is A Neighborhood’. In case you missed it, 1) Where have you been?, and 2) It depicts the band as glowing blue-eyed beings “banging on the ceiling” of a cabin, where two girls (played by Dave’s daughters Violet and Harper) are reciting the lyrics from a storybook, surrounded by scientific paraphernalia that refers to knowledge and the way we try to understand life, space, and time. The video was co-produced with Therapy Content, long-time collaborators with Dave and Foo Fighters on several music videos and tour promos. But while it’s not immediately obvious, there’s something else about this video that caught our eye.
‘The Sky Is A Neighborhood’ dropped on August 23, 2017 and has a supernatural theme with scenes in a cabin. In August twenty years ago, only a few days earlier, Foo Fighters dropped ‘Everlong’ – a video with a supernatural theme and scenes in a cabin.

It hasn’t escaped most fans’ attention that 2017 marks the twenty-year anniversary of The Colour and the Shape, and many have wondered if/how the band would mark the event. That the latest video was released only a few days shy of the date ‘Everlong’ came out in 1997 seems more than a coincidence. If nothing else, ‘The Sky Is A Neighborhood’ may be a nod to the occasion as well as to one of the most significant videos of their career.
Both videos also show the band as monsters terrorizing girls in white nighties. However, the similarities seem to stop there as the cabins’ interiors are distinctly different, as are the storylines driving the actions of the respective ‘things that go bump in the night’.
The video for ‘The Sky Is A Neighborhood’ was directed by Dave Grohl. You can read a little behind-the-scenes rundown of the video’s production here.