Photo: Andreas Neumann
Ever since we started this website in 2006 one key goal was to provide fans with as much information as possible about each individual Foo Fighters performance from the past. We provide, where possible, the list of songs performed, which band members were present, any photos and any known audiovisual recordings.
Over the years hundreds of fans have made their own recordings of performances, sharing them with other fans afterwards. Numerous Foo Fighters shows have over the years also been broadcast on Television, Radio, and in later years over the web. The result is that from the almost 1500 live performances over the years we know of just over 1600 recordings of all kinds that exist.
Up until now, barring a couple of small exceptions, these recordings have never been available to easily download directly from this website. We’ve had to direct fans to other websites and forums to try and acquire them, which can be difficult.
That has now changed and we are happy to say that over 940 recordings are currently available to download directly on FooFightersLive.com. All for free, with no access limits!
There are two simple ways to access the recordings. If you already know which show and recording you’re looking for, simply navigate through the shows pages on the website by year, find the show in the list and click on it. In the following page detailing everything about the show simply scroll down the page until you see the recordings. If any of them are available to download, you’ll see a big blue button. Simply hit that, and the download should begin.
If you’re not sure what to download and simply want to browse what is available you can visit the recordings overview page. From there you can filter the known recordings by type, year and then show only recordings that are available to download. Follow the ‘visit’ buttons to jump to the respective show page and again, you’ll find the recordings and download links midway down the page.
Downloads are provided as ZIP files, these can be opened by most desktop operating systems by default. Mobile devices may require an extra app. The audio files inside vary depending on the source but the vast majority are the highest quality FLAC lossless audio. Some recordings are however only available in lower quality formats such as MP3 or AAC/M4A.
All credits for the respective tapers and recorders of each source are included in a text file with the recording where possible. If we have included your recording without credit and would like it added, or would like your recording removed entirely, please get in touch.
At the moment we are only providing audio downloads and as you can tell from the numbers provided not all known recordings are currently available to download, but it’s a pretty large chunk. An almost 400 gigabyte chunk in fact! If a video source has a download available you will be downloading an audio extraction of the video, in the best quality possible. This will noted on the download button as (Audio Only).
It should also be noted that no official recordings have been made available to download, nor will they ever be. Please support the band by buying any officially released live recordings. We hope you enjoy this service and find the recordings you are looking for. We will continue adding more recordings in the coming weeks and hopefully they will remain available for a significant amount of time.
FooFightersLive.com is a website run by fans, for other fans to enjoy. We make zero profit from the website and therefore all operating costs are covered by ourselves, including the costs to host these downloads.
If you would like to support the website you are able to make a donation to us via Paypal
Donations are never required but any support you can provide will help keep these downloads online and available for everyone as long as possible.