Foo Fighters Live

Submit Your Photos

Have you taken photos at a live Foo Fighters performance, or do you have related memorabilia (ticket stub, flyer, poster etc)? If so, we'd love to host them on for other fans to enjoy.

All you need to do is share your images with us using the form below and let us know how you'd like to be credited. Then, once processed, the images will appear on the website. To see an example of how each image would appear on the site, Click Here

If you have a large amount of images please try to narrow down your best shots. Server storage is costly and as you can imagine with over 25 years of performances the numbers could run into the millions if we hosted every photo!

This is how you will be credited for your images, your real name or a nickname are acceptable. Alphanumeric characters only, no special characters.

Please use our website to ensure you select the correct date. Images from different performances must be submitted separately unless the images are of memorabilia which is clearly dated.

If your images are already online publicly you can provide a link to submit them. Alternatively, directly upload images to our servers. Images will only be displayed on after we've verified and processed them.